Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Hidden Benefits of Writing Your Book

It’s been just over a year that my book, The Freedom Formula, became an Amazon #1 best-seller. As I reflect on that great journey (and the success that’s come since then) I’m reminded of how drastically writing a book can change your business, and your life. The journey of the past year has been more transformational and expansive than I dreamed possible. This experience is making me even more excited as I prepare for my Fall Get Your Book Done program.

I know so many entrepreneurs whose businesses (and lives) have already been changed by writing their book, yet there are MANY more that haven’t yet fulfilled this dream.
Eight out of ten people have a book inside them, but most of them never get their book done. Perhaps you can relate… you KNOW you need a book to grow your business especially when you consider these benefits of becoming a published author:

Position yourself as an expert
Reach a larger audience
Get more speaking engagements and more publicity
Increase value by "bundling" books with other products/services
Give as bonus/promotional item for your business
Gain instant credibility
Increase revenue through book sales
Build relationships with “centers of influence”
Make a difference in your readers’ lives
A book is, by far, the BEST business card you can have; nobody throws away a book!
What you may not realize is this… there are a ton of HIDDEN benefits of writing your book. So, if you’ve been thinking of writing you book, I want to share the top three hidden benefits that myself and my clients have received through the experience of writing and publishing a “signature” book:

Many new authors approach their book with unbridled enthusiasm and a TON of ideas. The truth is you could fill several books with your insight and information. But, tons of information in a huge book doesn’t make for a best-seller. That’s why the #1 hidden benefit of writing your book is clarity. Through the book preparation, research and writing process, you’ll quickly discover the core essence of your message and the simplest, most logical way to present your information.

You’ll also gain clarity on where the book fits into your “product funnel/service offerings” and what systems you ought to implement to maximize your exposure through the book. You’ll become clear on new products, new services and new ways to build your list (so you can stay connected to them over and over again). After all, you’re writing your book to reach more people and gain more customers, right? It’s amazing how easily you can put together a clear plan to turn readers into ideal customers. Most published authors will tell you this kind of clarity rarely comes from anything other than writing you own book.

The second hidden benefit of writing your book is achieving a level of personal confidence most people only dream of. When you proudly introduce yourself as the Author of ___________, and show people your brand-new book, you’re confidence goes through the roof! There’s something that happens inside of you, when you finally put pen to paper and take a STAND for yourself by putting your valuable information in print. Not to mention WHO you have to “BE” to complete your book. You’ll discover an entirely new side to yourself when you step up the plate to write your book.

You’ll stretch and grow in surprising, challenging and fun ways as you go through the process of writing your book. You get to discover more and more of who YOU are and the value you offer to the world. With each page you write, you uncover more of your brilliance and at the end of the process, you’ll see (and value) yourself in an entirely new light.

Once you experience total clarity and confidence from writing your book, you’ll discover a newfound sense of courage. Many of my clients say it wasn’t until they became published that they had the courage to ask for more money, more speaking engagements, more referrals, more publicity… and know they DESERVED it 100%.

Just imagine there’s someone you want to meet (who can further your success) and you’ve never had the courage to contact them. Once you’re a published author it’s EASY to contact anyone, because you can introduce yourself as an Author and give them a signed copy of your book. The hidden benefit of courage can literally mean thousands of dollars in your pocket because you’re finally ready to ask for what you want.

If you’re thinking of writing a book, keep these “Three Cs” at the top of your mind (and heart) as you bring your brilliance out in the pages of your book. Yes, the expert status, credibility and new revenue from your book are valuable rewards, which will be maximized through the hidden benefits of Clarity, Confidence and Courage.

Note: Please join me and my partner, Lynne Klippel on Tuesday September 1 for a
F-R-E-E Teleclass on the “7 Strategies Every Entrepreneurial Author Needs to Know… Before Writing a Word.” We’ll be sharing tons of information and some incredible author success stories to help you get motivated to Get Your Book Done. Sign up now at

© 2009 Christine Kloser

Would you like to use this article? You may as long as you include the following information along with the article: Christine Kloser, author of The Freedom Formula, helps entrepreneurs put soul in their business and money in the bank. If you want to thrive in your purpose-driven, profitable business (while enjoying a soul-satisfying life), send for my special report, How to Avoid the 3 Massive Mistakes Made by Most Conscious Entrepreneurs and my audio, 7 Strategies Entrepreneurial Authors Need to Know... Before Writing a Word, both of which you get (at no charge) when you request my Conscious Business Success Kit at

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Take Time for Yourself

In today’s fast-paced world (a world that is changing by the minute), one of the most important things you ought to be practicing is taking time for yourself. Especially if after reading that first line, there’s a voice in your head saying, “But I don’t have time. There’s too much to do. I’m so far behind. I can’t get everything done. Where will I find the time? I can’t afford to take time for myself. I’ve got to keep driving forward. I’ll take a break once I get through these projects.”

Pardon my directness here, but that’s all B.S. Those voices in your head that say you can’t take time for yourself are not driven by your Higher Self. Those voices come from your ego; from that place inside you that believes in lack, scarcity and fear.

If you were to listen to the voice of your Higher Self, it would be saying things like, “Give yourself a break. You deserve to take time for yourself. You don’t have to get everything done today. Nothing is as pressing as it seems. You don’t have to do it all alone. You are supported by visible and invisible sources. Relax, release, let go and allow grace to guide you.”

If you desire to hear more of your “Higher Self voice” than you do your “ego voice” (which I trust you do) then it’s imperative that you take time for you. It doesn’t have to be time alone, it just has to be dedicated time for you to be asking and answering some deeper questions for yourself. The clarity and knowingness you crave will come from this time you take for you.

The only way I can share this with you is because it’s what I’ve been doing for myself. I’ve enjoy time journaling, meditating, quietly contemplating, praying, and in retreat. In fact in a few short weeks I’ll be spending time at a back to back retreat and spiritual intensive. It’s not the most logical time for me to be taking this time for myself, but it’s necessary. And, I am clear that if I don’t take this time for myself in retreat that I’d end up working harder than I have to, focusing on projects that I’m not meant to be doing, and struggling more than experiencing a state of ease and flow in every area of my life.

So, if you’d like more ease and flow in every area of your life, here are some suggestions based on my personal experience that can help you take time for yourself:

Give Yourself a Break Everyday
Each and every day; dedicate a certain amount of time to yourself. This isn’t time to brainstorm on your upcoming business project, rather it’s time to sit with yourself, to contemplate what’s occurring in your life, to notice what might not be working so you can shift it, to experience what you’re feeling and to allow grace to guide you to more love and more ease.

Lately, I’ve been enjoying between 1 and 2 hours every morning taking time for me. I usually begin by listening to inspiring music to get centered and grounded as I breathe and feel myself in my body. After a few songs, I’ll sit quietly in meditation, and then I’ll come out of meditation to do some journaling followed by a beautiful (and rigorous) walk up and down the neighborhood hills and a healthy breakfast. After taking this time for myself, I feel relaxed and clear as I go about the tasks of the day.

How do you give yourself a break everyday? And, if you’re not doing it now, when will you start?

Engage with Like-Minded People
Another fantastic way to take time for yourself is to engage with like-minded people. I know this may sound backwards. How can spending time with like-minded people be taking time for you? Well, the kind of time I’m talking about isn’t simply sitting around drinking wine and talking about the latest movie or gizmo. Full engagement with like-minded people always lifts you up, shows you more of yourself, helps you learn what you need to learn, and gives you the experience of giving and receiving love and support. And, that IS one of the most soul-nurturing things you can do for yourself.

For me, I participate in two women’s circles in which we gather for the sole purpose of experiencing our Highest Self and being there to help other women experience theirs. Additionally, the work I’m doing with my spiritual mentor requires very active participation with everyone in our group… constantly focused on making the shifts we need to make to experience total freedom in our lives. When I take time to engage with these like-minded friends, I feel totally fulfilled, loved and connected.

Who do you engage with at this level? And, if you don’t have people right now who are able to have this level of engagement with you, what will you do to bring these types of relationships into your life?

Get Away from Your Daily Routine
This one is a biggie! The gifts that await you when you step out of the hectic pace of your life and step into a dedicated time/space for contemplation, clarity and expansion… are miraculous. If you’ve ever gone on retreat, or participated in a mastermind (that’s about more than just business), or have a spiritually-based “girls weekend” (or guys weekend), then you know the value of this time away. The openings that occur when like-minded people gather together in an intimate setting with a common purpose are powerful beyond measure.

Since 2006 I’ve been consistently participating in Mastermind groups where we gather for a few days. It’s so valuable for me to step away from my daily routine and place myself in the environments where transformation and clarity abound. And, since 1997 I’ve been creating space for others to get away and give themselves the gift of time necessary for important contemplation, release and expansion. It’s hard to believe I began this work a dozen years ago, but that’s what I did with my Vision Weekends and continued with my Conscious Business Retreats and now with my Freedom Circle Mastermind.

When was the last time you got away from your daily routine for more than a day to focus on YOU? And, if you haven’t done this for a while (or ever), where will you go, when will you go and with whom will you go?

These three strategies have been vital to my growth as an entrepreneur, and more importantly to my growth as a human being. Choose at least one of these suggestions to get started with today and you’ll begin to experience great shifts in your business and your life. And, if you’re really ready for a huge shift and upleveling into more of your Self, then get started on all three! You’ll put yourself on the fast track to aligned and expansive success.

[NOTE: Since so many of you have been resonating with the concept of expansion through simplification (and these three suggestions are a powerful way to do that), I’m working happily this week to introduce a new service that’ll help you implement all three of these suggestions with my personal help. I’ll keep you posted as things unfold.]

© 2009 Christine Kloser

Would you like to use this article? You may as long as you include the following information along with the article: Christine Kloser, author of The Freedom Formula, helps entrepreneurs put soul in their business and money in the bank. If you want to thrive in your purpose-driven, profitable business (while enjoying a soul-satisfying life), send for my special report, How to Avoid the 3 Massive Mistakes Made by Most Conscious Entrepreneurs and my audio, 7 Strategies Entrepreneurial Authors Need to Know... Before Writing a Word, both of which you get (at no charge) when you request my Conscious Business Success Kit at

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Expansion Through Simplification

In a world being torn apart from the desire for “more, more, more”… something incredible is happening. There is a “shift” underway; from the old, greedy patterns of yesterday to a more simplified and aligned approach to everything.

I was reminded of this again last night as I was watching Dr. Wayne Dyer’s movie “The Shift.” He talked so beautifully about the “morning and afternoon” of life. He refers to this as a shift of moving from an ego-based drive for money, acquisitions and external achievements to a love based desire to be of service, and to experience (and be a source of) peace and love.

I know I may sound like a hippie talking about service, peace and love, but the new business paradigm is based on these very things. I can’t tell you how many entrepreneurs I’ve been talking to lately who are fed up with all the hype out there about how you can get ri^ch quick. These are the entrepreneurs who are looking and searching to find true MEANING in their work, and to become more aligned with who they are here to BE, and who they are here to serve… knowing that THIS is the place where abundance of all kinds FLOWS!

This quest is the most valuable and important quest a conscious entrepreneur can go on. It is only through these deep internal shifts in your own consciousness that you can experience the abundance and lasting success you’re looking for in your life and your business. This is a shift toward simplicity, a shift toward your own energetic expansion, a shift toward surrendering and trusting a Higher plan.

So, I want to share with you three of the most valuable lessons I’m learning right now as I expand… through simplification.

1) Less is More
I’ve spoken with several entrepreneurs lately who have hit big milestones in their businesses, who are now questioning and wondering what it’s all for. The overhead is high, the stress is high, the ambition is high… but the quality of life and of “Being” are low. Contraction has been happening in the very space where expansion is most needed. The solution we’re all seeing as we “compare notes” is that the key to growth isn’t “bigger is better”… the key to the growth we’re looking for in terms of fulfillment, satisfaction, ease, openness and grace is SIMPLICITY! Scaling back, saying no, releasing projects, rethinking the “more is better” business model… is what’s leading me and others I know to more freedom and true soul fulfillment.

2) Seek Ease
This has been a huge lesson for me. I’ve run a racket for years that business was supposed to be “hard.” That I was supposed to be juggling many projects at once, that I was always supposed to be in “create” mode, etc. I realize how ridiculous it is to keep striving unnecessarily, yet I was doing it. My focus now, as with many of my colleagues and clients, is turned toward the experience of EASE. With the help of my mastermind colleagues in Connecticut recently, they helped me see that I was trying to “do” way too much, and they called me on it. They helped me see a huge and soul fulfilling oppor^tunity that I’ve been moving away from for 8 years. It hurt to see that I pushed away ease in exchange for “work”…. but I’m glad now that I’m seeing what I need to see and I’m making some new choices. (I’ll be sure to share what’s evolving as soon as it’s ready.)

3) Trust
Above everything, especially when things get more difficult then you ever thought they could… TRUST! This is one of my four “Conscious Entrepreneur” criteria I talk about in Chapter 1 of The Freedom Formula. It’s essential to trust in your Higher/Divine plan as you move forward in your business and your life. I’ve been living in this trust and teaching it for years. Yet, now, with all the change I’m going through on my spiritual path, I’m realizing just how important this one factor is. Growth of any kind can be challenging, but when you breathe and acknowledge the role that God is playing in supporting, guiding and leading you, it gets easier. When you trust, you open up a space where you can see the Universe conspiring for your highest good in every moment. It always is…

These three lessons have been valuable ones for me as I grow, evolve and shift into the next evolution of myself. And, they’ve become a theme for many of my clients, too. Embracing these three concepts will help you experience more of everything you’re looking for in your life and your business. Doing less, seeking ease and trusting are great ways to start experiencing MORE of YOU!

© 2009 Christine Kloser

Would you like to use this article? You may as long as you include the following information along with the article: Christine Kloser, author of The Freedom Formula, helps entrepreneurs put soul in their business and money in the bank. If you want to thrive in your purpose-driven, profitable business (while enjoying a soul-satisfying life), send for my special report, How to Avoid the 3 Massive Mistakes Made by Most Conscious Entrepreneurs and my audio, 7 Strategies Entrepreneurial Authors Need to Know... Before Writing a Word, both of which you get (at no charge) when you request my Conscious Business Success Kit at