Wednesday, March 25, 2009

How to Succeed as a Conscious Entrepreneur (Part 4)

There was a time in my business when I simply did whatever was put in front of me to be done. I was a task-master without a clear vision of where I was taking my business. (I felt as if the ship were steering me more than I was steering it!) You see, I started in business prior to having a solid understanding of some of the most basic success principles. And, it wasn’t until later in my entrepreneurial career that I started learning more about how to experience real (and satisfying) success.

On this journey of understanding true success, I was blessed with interviewing some of the most successful people in business. Today’s article features two of these experts who share key principles that were true turning points in my entrepreneurial career.

Insight #1: “Determine whether you’re in a dip or a cul-de-sac. If it’s a cul-de-sac, get out; if it’s a dip, stick it out.”
Wisdom From: Seth Godin, Author of The Dip

I remember when I first heard about Seth Godin’s book, The Dip. At the time, I was running my former business (NEW Entrepreneurs) and trying hard to make it work. I was stuck in that place of not knowing if I should continue with it or let it go. Then, after reading Seth’s book, I got a clear answer and was so moved by his wisdom that I contacted him for an interview… and he said YES!

During the interview with Seth, he helped me (and hundreds of entrepreneurs listening to the call) get a deeper understanding of how to know whether you’re in a cul-de-sac or a dip. He shared that a dip is simply the extraordinarily challenging part every aspiring entrepreneur goes through before they break through to success; whereas a cul-de-sac is when no matter how hard you try, things will never break through… basically they’re not going to change (at least with that endeavor). While this was difficult information to absorb, it made all the difference in the world in helping me gain the confidence to release my business that was in a cul-de-sac. It was the decision to let go, that created the opening for the success I’m experiencing today.

Something To Think About: Is there an aspect of your business you may need to release because you’re stuck in a cul-de-sac?

Insight #2: “Design your business to create an extraordinary life.”
Wisdom From: Ali Brown, Million-Dollar Entrepreneur Coach

As I shared in the beginning of this article, I used to let my business steer me, rather than me steer it. One of the most influential mentors I’ve had to help me change this is Ali Brown. Ali was the first entrepreneur who helped me “get” that it was my responsibility (and right) to design my business to support the life I dreamed of. Not knowing this information when I got started, I had let my business run my life rather than create it in a way that supported me and my vision for my life outside of business.

When I interviewed Ali on the topic of “designing your business” it was the first time she shared the seven simple principles she used to design her own business to create an extraordinary life. The most important thing I learned from Ali is that it was OK to have a great life. She helped me break the old pattern of believing that you had to work hard and sacrifice your life to be successful. With her insights, I gave myself permission to create a business on my own terms and not feel guilty about having a great life, too. I also “got” that great for someone else wasn’t necessarily great for me. (You’ve got to define what would make your life great, outside of what anyone else thinks about it.)

Something To Think About: What does an “extraordinary life” look like to YOU? And, is there something you need to shift in your business to support that life?

© 2009 Christine Kloser

Would you like to use this article? You may as long as you include the following information along with the article: Christine Kloser, author of The Freedom Formula, helps entrepreneurs put soul in their business and money in the bank. If you want to thrive in your purpose-driven, profitable business (while enjoying a soul-satisfying life), send for my special report, How to Avoid the 3 Massive Mistakes Made by Most Conscious Entrepreneurs and my audio, 7 Strategies Entrepreneurial Authors Need to Know... Before Writing a Word, both of which you get (at no charge) when you request my Conscious Business Success Kit at

Monday, March 23, 2009

How to Succeed as a Conscious Entrepreneur (Part 3)

Branding, marketing and sales… oh, my! Many entrepreneurs (including myself when I was learning about business) overlook the importance of these aspects of entrepreneurship. Often, conscious entrepreneurs start a business to help others, make a difference and transform the world; with most of the energy going into creating a website, getting a business card designed and putting together product/service offerings.

These are essential steps. But, there are two additional important aspects of your business you’ve got to consider from the beginning (or beginning TODAY if you’ve been in business for a while). These are two more nuggets I’ve learned from my mentors that have made a big difference in my business success.

Insight #1: “Branding occurs in the minds of your prospects and clients.”
Wisdom From: Patty Azzarello, CEO of The Azzarello Group

When I first heard about branding, I thought it was about creating a logo design and a “look” for my website. Yes, I knew it involved getting clear on my brand statement and mission, but nobody ever told me it penetrated every single aspect of my business. I thought branding was something I did to create a particular experience for my clients. It is… but that’s only HALF of the story.

When I interviewed Patty Azzarello, (who ran a $1 billion software business by the age of 35) it was the first time I actually “got” what branding is. Branding is not something I “do” rather it’s a process that occurs in the mind of my prospects and customers. It’s a DECISION they make about me and my business based on their experience of my business. Patty’s insight completely shifted how I thought about branding, and over the past three years has made a huge impact on my business and my position in the marketplace.

Something To Think About: What decisions are your prospects and customers making about you and your business (based on their experience with your company)?

Insight #2: “You have a responsibility to market your business and share your gifts.”
Wisdom From: Michael Port, Author of Book Yourself Solid

Similar to my experience with branding, I had a very limited understanding of marketing (and sales) when I first started in business. I was turned off to the concept of marketing/selling when the radio station I used to work for in 1989 sent me to a sales training at which I witnessed a “mock” sale that shocked the living daylights out of me. The sales trainer had basically coerced, convinced and strongly persuaded the mock customer to purchase something they honestly didn’t need. Everyone clapped at his sales ability, whereas I wanted to run out of the room. This had been my introduction to marketing/sales.

Thanks to my interview with Michael Port, I finally grasped a true (and aligned) understanding of marketing and sales as something I had a responsibility to offer as a SERVICE to my prospects and clients. Whew… what a relief that was?! I no longer needed to convince or coerce anyone to do anything. Michael helped me see that all I must do was joyfully, confidently and consistently share my offering as a gift of service to those people I believed I could help. That’s the bottom-line of marketing and sales… plain and simple. And, once you embrace this nugget of wisdom, you’ll find it much easier to fall in love with marketing your business… and you’ll have a lot more FUN in the process!

Something To Think About: What would be different for you and your business if you embraced marketing (and sales) as a GIFT to your prospects?

© 2009 Christine Kloser

Would you like to use this article? You may as long as you include the following information along with the article: Christine Kloser, author of The Freedom Formula, helps entrepreneurs put soul in their business and money in the bank. If you want to thrive in your purpose-driven, profitable business (while enjoying a soul-satisfying life), send for my special report, How to Avoid the 3 Massive Mistakes Made by Most Conscious Entrepreneurs and my audio, 7 Strategies Entrepreneurial Authors Need to Know... Before Writing a Word, both of which you get (at no charge) when you request my Conscious Business Success Kit at

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

How to Succeed as a Conscious Entrepreneur (Part 2)

Business planning. Team building. These things typically sound too corporate and boring for a conscious entrepreneur. Right? You’d rather create, collaborate, develop, teach, train, coach, write and help people! I understand; I’m the same way. I admit it; when I first heard about business planning and team building, I honestly wondered what place they had in my small entrepreneurial endeavor… weren’t those things only for big business? Did they have anything to do with my small (and struggling) five-figure business? Heck yeah, they did!

It took somewhat of an awakening for me to fully embrace these two principles in my business… thanks to two of the incredible mentors I interviewed over the past three years. Here’s the insight and wisdom that helped me develop business plan, and grow a stellar team that makes my success possible.

Insight #1: “Business Planning Can Be Fun… and Easy!”
Wisdom From: Jim Horan, Author of One Page Business Plan

Before I interviewed Jim Horan, Author of One Page Business Plan, I had attempted, many times, to write a plan for my business… thinking it had to be a 50 page document I would present to a bank to get financing. But, I wasn’t looking for a loan, so I figured I didn’t need a plan. After all, business planning didn’t appear to be any fun; every attempt I made was painful, laborious and boring. Until, I spoke with Jim.

Jim Horan helped me understand that business planning could not only be FUN, but EASY, too. How, you might ask? By writing your business plan on ONE PAGE! (I have mine hanging on the bulletin board in my office and I read/revise it on a regular basis… it’s a working document for my business.) The simple process that Jim taught me during our interview was so motivating that I immediately purchased his book and gathered a group of like-minded colleagues to work on our plans together. It’s always a treat to look at my plan and see my goals being accomplished.

Something To Think About: How would you and your business benefit from having a written plan in place?

Insight #2: “If You Don’t Grow Your Team, You Can’t Grow Your Business”
Wisdom From: Andrea J. Lee, Author of Multiple Streams of Coaching Income

Team building (much like business planning) was something I didn’t think I needed. I seemed to be muddling along OK in my business with one assistant who helped me with administrative details. I just didn’t see how building my team could help me make more mo^ney. My team always felt like an expense to me… a liability rather than an asset. So, I was not very excited about growing my team. But, I kept hearing about it over and over again; so, I did my homework and found an expert on the topic (who I knew and liked) to help me “get” the importance of a team in my own business.

It was in my interview with Andrea J. Lee, that the light bulb went off around team building. She flipped the switch in my mind that got me away from thinking that a team was an expense/liability, into realizing the value of a team as ESSENTIAL to helping me multiply my business. Having a team gives you leverage. It allows you to focus on your areas of brilliance, rather than trudging your way through those things that you dislike (hmmm… perhaps bookkeeping, web maintenance, customer service, answering phones, general admin, etc.) When you take the leap to get help in those areas that are frustrating (and drain your energy) you allow yourself the freedom to focus on what you enjoy which leads to more creativity, energy, joy, focus, enthusiasm, etc. And, THAT is exactly what it takes to grow your business.

Something To Think About: What tasks do you dread doing in your business? Write them down and place your intention on manifesting someone who loves doing them for you!

Stay tuned for Part 3 of this series next week where I’ll share two more nuggets of wisdom with you.

© 2009 Christine Kloser

Would you like to use this article? You may as long as you include the following information along with the article: Christine Kloser, author of The Freedom Formula, helps entrepreneurs put soul in their business and money in the bank. If you want to thrive in your purpose-driven, profitable business (while enjoying a soul-satisfying life), send for my special report, How to Avoid the 3 Massive Mistakes Made by Most Conscious Entrepreneurs and my audio, 7 Strategies Entrepreneurial Authors Need to Know... Before Writing a Word, both of which you get (at no charge) when you request my Conscious Business Success Kit at

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

How to Succeed as a Conscious Entrepreneur

If there’s one thing you and I should know about success, it’s that it doesn’t happen alone. I once heard Loral Langemeier say “There’s no such thing as a self-made millionaire.” She’s absolutely right. There isn’t. There couldn’t be. Ask any person who has hit six or seven figures in their business and they’ll all tell you they didn’t do it alone. I know this is true for me.

When I got really serious about being a successful and conscious business owner (about 3 years ago), I set out on a mission to learn from those who had already achieved what I wanted to achieve… success with a purpose. I became extremely curious about how other people did this because I wanted to learn from them, model them and implement what they taught me in my own life and business.

This journey led me to interviewing dozens of highly successful conscious entrepreneurs, each of whom gave me nuggets of wisdom that deeply affected my life. My mission for this article series is to share these nuggets of wisdom with you in hopes they will help you reach your goals and dreams.

Insight #1: “Business Is Your Highest Spiritual Understanding Demonstrated”
Wisdom From: Neale Donald Walsch, Author of Conversations with God

I remember the moment vividly. I was conducting an interview with Neale Donald Walsch during my 2nd annual Conscious Entrepreneurs Tele-summit with a hundred listeners on the line… and I began to cry. I had basically gone through all of my interview questions for Neale and still had 15 minutes left in the interview. So, I asked him, “Is there anything else you’d like to share on this topic?” (Praying he’d say something to fill the next 15 minutes of time.) It was then that he told me, and everyone listening, “business is your highest spiritual understanding demonstrated.”

This was the moment everything changed for me. It was the first moment I “got” that business and spirituality are not mutually exclusive. Up until that moment, I had hoped, imagined, dreamed and envisioned that I could be a deeply spiritual person in my life and have a profitable, purposeful business based on spiritual principles. When Neale shared this statement with me, my hopes and dreams turned into KNOWING. That is what made me cry. I finally knew it was possible, and I wasn’t crazy for thinking Spirit and business belonged together.

Something To Think About: What would be possible for you if you allowed your highest spiritual understandings to be demonstrated through your business?

Insight #2: “Just Believe”
Wisdom From: David Neagle, Creator of Experience the Reality of Success

Before learning from David Neagle, I honestly felt that a six-figure business was the biggest business I could imagine for myself. Even though I considered myself a “big thinker”… I was still thinking small. (And, I believed I had to do all the hard work required of a big business owner.) David helped me realize that nothing could be further from the truth; that if I simply believed that a bigger dream was possible for me, the details would be revealed. And, that’s exactly what happened.

It was David who first truly helped me understand the power of my mind to create my reality. I had always known this was true but doubt kept creeping in… or if I’m being 100% honest here, doubt used to whack me on the head on a regular basis. When you believe (not only in yourself, but in the power of the Universe) things begin to unfold. I know this sounds simple; it is. But, it’s not necessarily easy (especially when what appears to be “reality” is telling you to run and hide). But, the journey of believing is worth it, and it can change everything.

Something To Think About: What old belief do you want to let go of (one that no longer serves you)? What positive new belief would you like to replace it with?

I feel so blessed that 3 years ago I began to learn directly from the dozens of mentors and experts I’ve interviewed. It’s their wisdom that continues to help me stay focused and calm when things get tough. So, stay tuned for Part 2 of this series next week where I’ll share two more nuggets of wisdom with you.