Thursday, April 22, 2010

Live Your Destiny

By Christine Kloser

What does it mean to live YOUR destiny? The more I’ve been committed to living this path for myself, the more I’m inspired when I see others out there in the world doing exactly what there are meant to be doing. Every time I see someone marching to the beat of their own drum, doing exactly what is right for them, it inspires me to do the same.

When I heard Elizabeth Gilbert (author of “Eat, Pray, Love”) speak recently, she said, “It’s imperative to live your OWN destiny, rather than an imitation of somebody else’s.” Nothing could be more true. If you try to live someone else’s destiny rather than your own, you will never end up where you’re meant to be… you will never end up at the destination called YOU!

So, as I contemplate living my OWN destiny, I can’t help but think of the TV show “American Idol”. Granted, I am not a big TV watcher, but I really do love “Idol” and I cry every time someone has to go home. Anyway, stay with me here…

There are two singers on that show that, for me, stand head and shoulders above the rest; Crystal Bowersox and Lee DeWyze! The reason why they stand out to me is that week after week, no matter what song genre they’re given, they are 100% consistent in how they show up. They don’t try to be like anyone else, they don’t try to sound like anyone else, they don’t try to look like anyone else… they don’t try to play any other role other than themselves!

They are both unassuming characters on the show. Crystal in her dreadlocks and piercing and Lee struggling with his confidence. Yet, there they are; on stage in front of millions of people, simply doing what they’re destined to do… singing and impacting lives with their powerful music.

So, how about you? Where do you stand on the “living YOUR destiny” path?

I encourage you either in the privacy of your own heart and soul, or in the sacred safety of a trusting friendship or spiritual group, to allow yourself to explore this question. Too often, it’s easy to slip into doing things “because.” And, too often “because” isn’t the right reason to be doing something.

Take an honest assessment of where you are right now in your life and in your business. Whose life are you living? Are you truly living your OWN destiny (as Elizabeth Gilbert says) or an imitation of somebody else’s.

Sometimes it can be challenging to know the difference, especially if you’re already pretty far down a path. However, it’s never too late, no matter what the circumstances to make some new choices for yourself.

I know, for myself, even though 2009 was my best year in business ever, something didn’t feel right. And, I began asking myself “whose destiny are you living?” It was not an easy question to be contemplating amidst the outside view of success. Yet, I couldn’t deny the stirring inside of me that knew I wasn’t fully living MY destiny. The moment I saw this for myself, was the moment that everything began to change for the better. I can honestly say now that I feel like I am living my destiny, and allowing it to unfold one day at a time. And, so it is…

I invite you to contemplate this question for yourself… are you living your destiny? Be gentle with whatever the answer is. Allow it to be what it is and begin to take one step at a time toward exploring, uncovering and living your destined life. If you simply keep asking the question, and seeking the answer gently, you will soon find yourself living your destiny each and every day! This is my wish for you.


Note: If you would like a safe, sacred, supportive place to explore these questions, and find the answers, I want to invite you to consider joining me at my Freedom Retreat… as this is the depth of the work we do there. It would be an honor to assist you on this powerful journey.

© 2010 Christine Kloser

Would you like to use this article? You may as long as you include the following information along with the article: Christine Kloser is the award-winning author of The Freedom Formula and Conscious Entrepreneurs. She is widely recognized as an expert in the field of conscious entrepreneurship having spoken alongside such luminaries as Neale Donald Walsch, Dr. Joe Vitale, Arielle Ford, James Twyman and Marianne Williamson. Christine works with entrepreneurs to embrace a new paradigm of success… helping them experience true freedom and fulfillment in their life and their business. Get a F R E E chapter of her award-winning book, The Freedom Formula at

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